KIDS (10 to12 years old)
SENIOR (13 to 18 years old )
ADULTS (18+)
The goal of Robot Vehicles is to cover a distance of 10 meters in the shortest possible time.
As the sport promotes constructions as close to the real world, all Robot Vehicles should replicate realistic rally vehicles as closely as possible. Creators should take this into account during their experimentation.
1. Teams and not individuals participate in the Games.
2. Each group can consist of two (2) – three (3) people.
3. Each team should nominate up to 1 Robot Vehicle Technician. Only the Robot Vehicle Technician is allowed in the waiting area or play area. The rest of the team will remain in the team area or watch the game from the audience. If a team does not adhere to the above rule and its members roam the field then the team will be disqualified.
4. The team is allowed to change technicians in every attempt it makes on the track in order for all team members to engage in the sport but it is not mandatory.
5. Team members must be 10 years old (4th grade) and older.
6. The team coach must be at least 20 years old.
7. For smooth participation in the competition, the coach must necessarily have 1 assistant coach for every 3 teams that will participate in the competition.
8. Each team is allowed to have only one robot. It is forbidden to change robots during the competition.
9. Teams are not allowed to share the same robot.
10. If a team has a serious problem with their robot they are only allowed to change the microprocessor after permission from the Headjudges.
The best finishing time after 2 hours competing is what ranks the final winners.
If after the end of the 2 hours, 2 or more Robot Vehicles have the same time, then they compete in an additional race to determine the final ranking. If the time is still the same the teams are given 10 minutes to make changes to their Vehicle in order to improve their time and then run an additional race.
The Technician will have to scrutinize the team’s Vehicle again and show the referee the improvements they have made.
If any team does not improve then it is eliminated from the Final round and the victory is given to the other team.
If after the improvements the time remains the same then they share the ranking position.
The winning teams are awarded in 1st -2nd, 3rd place separately in each age category and separately for the Lego and Non Lego category.